We are getting
back some of the In Colors that we loved so much.
back some of the In Colors that we loved so much.
There are some
colors that are going to be discontinued so stock up on these items now cuz they
are as supplies last.
colors that are going to be discontinued so stock up on these items now cuz they
are as supplies last.
With it being
free shipping this weekend, stock up now.
free shipping this weekend, stock up now.
You can call
me to place your orders or go to my on line store. If you place an order at my
on line store you will get a packet in the mail with 2 card kits plus some new
me to place your orders or go to my on line store. If you place an order at my
on line store you will get a packet in the mail with 2 card kits plus some new
Also on
another note…… Some product info
another note…… Some product info
Pencils and Crayons Discontinued
Pencils and Crayons Discontinued
Due to
unforeseen problems with our supplier for Watercolor Wonder Crayons and
Watercolor Pencils, we have decided to discontinue these two products.
unforeseen problems with our supplier for Watercolor Wonder Crayons and
Watercolor Pencils, we have decided to discontinue these two products.
Pencils (item 101879) and Watercolor Wonder Crayons Brights Collection (item
119804), will no longer be available, effective immediately.
Pencils (item 101879) and Watercolor Wonder Crayons Brights Collection (item
119804), will no longer be available, effective immediately.
Now for the
good news! We still have the remaining collections of the Watercolor Wonder
Crayons available to order.
good news! We still have the remaining collections of the Watercolor Wonder
Crayons available to order.
The Subtles
(item 119802),
(item 119802),
Neutrals (item
119805), and
119805), and
Regals (item
119803) Collections are only available while supplies last.
119803) Collections are only available while supplies last.
Get 'em before
they're gone!
they're gone!
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